Sunday, September 02, 2007

Cliff Notes

So, I haven't written in a long time. Late June, to be precise, at which time Bree all but cut off his thumb and plans of possum-proofing our house had to be consequently abandoned.

But chastened into blogging again by the conscientious writing of Persephone and Maryam, two people I don't know at all but whose blogs I enjoy, I am starting up again. If they can do it amid guest house and romantic sagas, I can certainly find some time. So here are the cliff notes to the last few months:

1. On July 4th my grandmother passed away. I feel I need to get this out right at the start, so there are no awkward silences and shuffling from foot to foot later.

2. I've been working on a show called "Decision House." It places couples on the verge of divorce in a house with therapists for 3 days, at the end of which they decide to stay together or part ways. Most should split up. Invariably, they decide to stay together.

3. My friend Emily is moving to Boston. And I'm sad.

4. Today, it was 112 degrees where I live. I have reason to believe hell will be somewhat like this.

5. My quest to purchase wallpaper has proven way more difficult than I had assumed.

5. My fig tree seems to surviving, if not thriving in, the heat.