Wednesday, May 25, 2005

In the beginning, there was the word...

It's always a somewhat daunting process to begin a blog. Especially when everyone is "doing it" and the competition, and pressure to live up to what the cool kids are doing, is fierce.

I can most readily blame work for this - you can too, if you are being subjected to reading this and wondering how you'll ever get these moments of your life back. The need to look productive and busy while having no tangible project to occupy your full attention for the whole 10 hours a day, led me to the inescapable conclusion that as long as I kept typing quickly and diligently, no one would be the wiser.

I suppose I could also explore the narcism of spreading my thoughts and ideas for the world's betterment through the blog medium, but that would be way to self-analytical, and I'm not quite that bored. Yet.

The naming of the blog took up a good thrity seconds (ok, two hours, thirty one minutes, fifteen seconds left to the day, fourteen, thirteen...). Again, the pressure's on to be original. Using my name - way to obvious - must think of some arcane reference, some in joke that pretty much no one but me will get. Thinking... Thinking... I got nothing. Seriously.

Except for that little voice in my head going "Dy-NO-mite" - what TV show was that on anyway? Stop it! K, so Nat's Dynomite Blog it is. Original? Hell, no. But at least I've got "the word" - and the rest of my dirty laundry will finally have a home to air.

1 comment:

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

I am wondering why you started your blog and then took such a long break....

What happened in between? Your emails to me are so funny, so colorful, so well written. You should write more...