Sunday, April 29, 2007

10 Signs to Your Hotelier That You’re Not Leaving, Like You Said You Would…

10. You’ve invested in a very detailed local map (#113, if you’re interested).
9. You’ve stopped going “out” to lunch.
8. You’ve bought your own food and are storing it in the hotel’s fridge.
7. You now know your way around the hotel’s kitchen, and no longer need the staff’s assistance.
6. You’ve asked where you can do laundry.
5. Your hotelier suggests sights for you to see. You seem more interested in staying put.
4. Your bags are getting “too heavy” to carry.
3. You offer your hotelier wine, hoping for an invitation to the family lunch in return.
2. The hotelier is now offering you his private stash of wine.
1. You’re in Provence. You’ve taken a good look around you and realized you probably can’t do better.

1 comment:

Fr. said...

private stashes of wine. darling home stores. provence... yeah, that is definitely better than finals week. so glad you are having a great trip!!