Saturday, April 21, 2007

Roger Daltry and the John Wayne of Italian Spaghetti Westerns

4/19 - We arrived at the airport 3 hours before our flight- plenty of time to check in, request a change of seats (which we were denied, in no uncertain terms), and kick back a few drinks at the airport bar, watching the ever-changing cast of transient drinkers, tying one on before their flight.

Standing in the check-in line, we were chatted up by Robert Woods ( – of course), who was on his way to Rome to host the Torino Film Festival. It turns out, Mr. Woods, now 70 and looking not a day over 60, was at one point quite a star on the Italian Western circuit. Perhaps even the John Wayne of his time – we were clearly in the presence of greatness.

Spry, fit, funny and ever the showman, Robert entertained us with stories of travel in the days of yore, the freedoms an American once enjoyed both abroad and at home, and smoking doobies to relax before a flight.

So passed the first few official moments of our trip – proof that talking to your neighboring travelers leads to far more interesting revelations than keeping to yourself. A reminder that travel is as much about the people you meet as the places you visit.

Moments later, going through security, we caught a glimpse of Robert chatting up another young traveler. The same engaging panache, the same storytelling prowess shone from him as he entertained the guy in line and, mostly himself. He was done with us, the whore – but we were happy for the moments he allotted to us. Such is the power exuded by good actors.

Still, fate was not completely done with us. As we prepared to board the plane, we caught a glimpse of what we are 99.9% sure was The Who’s Roger Daltry and his entourage, readying themselves for first class. Only going from LA to London… Our journey has truly begun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.